About me

Photo of the page author

My name is Michał Śmielak. I’m an wildlife biologist, working in the field handling animals and in the office wrangling data. Originally from Poland, over the years I have been involved in projects in Europe, Australia and Africa.

I am interested in various aspects of animal ecology, including (but not limited to) behavioural ecology of mammals, reptiles and amphibians, conservation, ecosystem management and human-wildlife conflicts.

I write code (mostly in R) to transform raw data collected in the field into results and conservation outcomes. I also build custom research equipment, often using Arduino and other open-source platforms, usually when there is no off-the-shelf solution to measure something and sometimes just for fun.

This website is hopefully going to be a repository of my various projects and a way to share them with fellow researchers.



PhD candidate at the School of Environmental and Rural Sciences

University of New England in Armidale, Australia.


MSc in environmental protection, Inter-Faculty Studies in Environmental Protection (MSOŚ)

Centre for the Studies of Envoronment and Sustainability, Unviersity of Warsaw, Poland.